
“A story far from the eye but close to the heart ”.
Cihan , has not seen his sisters since more then a decade. When he was forced to leave them, they were only children. Having to endure difficult initial years of exile in Switzerland-torn apart in his past memories and future making, Cihan eventually loses himself to find himself again. Yet he tries to reconnect to his own land, people and village albeit remotely a beautiful mountain village in Van at the Kurdish speaking part of Turkey. During his sister Fatma’s wedding (sister number three), his entire family (tribe) and the invited wedding guests (extended family) send him messages of affection.
He finds out that his spirit and persona have not been forgotten by his fellow tribe as they manifest memories with him on various locations.
As the film reveals the changes and transformations his village has gone since his departure, within the making of a personal yet collaborative auto- ethnography, the film touches upon the tribe's feelings of loss and pain alongside to their hopes and wishes for the long awaited reunion.
The film is a loving exploration and a vehicle in reuniting the one who was forced to leave and those who were left behind (an entire community).
A common tragic destiny of loss and separation in an era of forced migrations and exile, this film intends to transform reality.
Will Cihan ever see his loved ones ; family and tribe ever again, can this film change his sorrowful reality?
Forthcoming 2026